
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721



匹配条件: “Stevina Bouyila” ,找到相关结果约2条。
Modeling the Drying Kinetics of Earth Bricks Stabilized with Cassava Flour Gel and Amylopectin  [PDF]
Mondésir Ngoulou, Raymond Gentil Elenga, Louis Ahouet, Stevina Bouyila, Serge Konda
Geomaterials (GM) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/gm.2019.91004
Abstract: Earth bricks could contribute to alleviate the housing shortage in the world, thanks to their low cost, easy production, and low environmental impact. However, to manufacture bricks with required properties, many raw soils must be ameliorated. In Central and Eastern Africa, the waste water of the cassava processing is used to improve earth brick mechanical properties. This technique is interesting, because it is sustainable, low-cost and easy to implement. But, studies on this stabilization method are scarce, in particular on the drying kinetics of these bricks. Now, it is important to know the drying duration, because the earth brick’s strength is strongly correlated to its moisture content. Thus, this study aims to quantify and to model the effect of adding cassava flour gel and amylopectin on the drying kinetics of earth bricks. Depending on the soil nature, the drying duration decreases from 7% to 25% for a stabilizer content of 20%. For the five models used, the coefficient of determination is superior to 0.997 and the chi square is inferior to 3 × 104. In average, the best model is Khazaei, followed in order by Avrami-Page, diffusion, Yong and Peleg. The effective coefficient of diffusion of water is about 4 × 105 ms2. The parameter T of the Khazaei’s model is strongly correlated to the drying duration and the stabilizer content, and their relationships have been deduced.
NaOH Activation of Raw Soils: Effect of NaOH Content on the Drying Kinetic and Its Modelling  [PDF]
Stevina Bouyila, Raymond Gentil Elenga, Louis Ahouet, Mondésir Ngoulou, Serge Konda
Geomaterials (GM) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/gm.2019.92005
Abstract: NaOH activation of soils is an affordable and promising way to improve mechanical properties of earthen bricks. If for well-activated geopolymers, the hard polymeric network limits the influence of water on mechanical properties, for the weakly activated one, as non-calcined raw clayey soils, the influence of water on these properties would be more critical. This work aims to determine the effect of sodium hydroxide concentration on the drying kinetics of bricks made with raw clayey soils, and to model this kinetics. The results show that the drying kinetics is governed by the diffusion of water due to the absence of free water. The drying duration increases linearly with the increasing of NaOH content, while the volumetric shrinkage decreases, probably thanks to the reduction of the material porosity during the formation of the zeolitic structures. Besides, the drying duration is strongly and negatively correlated with the initial drying rate (0.97) and bricks did not show visible cracks. Among the five parametric models tested, the Khazaei’s model is the best in terms of all statistical criteria considered. For all models used, the coefficient of determination is ranged from 0.993 to 0.999, and the evolution of the models’ parameters is in accordance with that of the drying kinetics observed.

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